I build and scale Growth Marketing Engines

I'm Misho and this is The Campfire - a one-man B2B growth marketing "agency" that you can treat like a team member.

Managing $1.5m+ yearly ad spend-worth of growth
funnels across 10 major channels:

Google Ads is my forte. Meta Ads being a close second.

What do I do exacly?

I build advertising engines to bring you the leads and nurture them to sale. My KPI is ROI, not traffic.

Advertising engines

I build advertising engines end-to-end and manage it like an investment portfolio.

Lifecycle marketing

I work closely with your sales team to design lead's full-funnel experience.

Growth analytics

I take the full ownership over identifying and initiating growth opportunities.

Better than growth agencies

Imagine if an agency were to be your team member and not an outside contractor - that's what I am.

I'm 3 times cheaper

An ad agency would cost 2-3x more than what I charge.

I'll teach you the craft

I'll teach you how to run the engine yourself if/when we decide to part ways.

I've been in your shoes

I'm an ex-founder. I know what it's like to trust someone else with your budget.

I'm budget-agnostic

I don't care about your ads budget. It can be $1k a month or $100k.

I'm your team member

Treat me like a team member. I'll want to get close.

I run funnel end-to-end

Agencies mostly care about traffic and leads. I run the funnel end-to-end.

How I work

Zero fluff. I have a simple process and I intend to keep it that way.

Get onboarded (fast)

I get context on your goals, current ads, product, budget, and learn how your team communicates.

Ads running in 2 weeks

I'll have the ads up and running in two weeks to start generating data. Then - experiment until they work.

Plug in, analyze, grow

I'll plug into your sales and product teams to nurture leads down the funnel and to the purchase.

Two ways we can work together

Don't worry. I don't charge people for the first meeting so, go ahead and book a Campfire Chat whenever you feel like it.



Weekly Commitment: 1-2 hours

*If you're an early-stage Georgian startup - reach out. I help local startups for free.

If you want to build the engine yourself or already have one and want to optimize or scale it, I'll tell you how.

  • I'll tell you how to optimize the campaigns.

  • I'll teach your how to build and operate growth engines.

  • I'll help you build a team to manage it for you.

  • We'll work on the advertising strategy together.

  • I'll help you identify growth opportunities in your data.


Let's Discuss the Pricing

Weekly Commitment: 10-15 hours

*If you're an early-stage Georgian startup - reach out. I help local startups for free.

I'll be your actual team member and I'll take full ownership over strategy, execution and on-going optimization.

  • Everything in Consulting

  • I'll be your actual team member.

  • Full ownership over the strategy and end-to-end execution.

  • I'll be responsible for growth analytics and initiatives.

  • In-depth internal audit and external research.

  • Ads up and running in 2 weeks.

  • Weekly reporting and analytics.

We're a good
fit if you're...

I'll be most useful if you fit two or more of the things bellow.

Selling B2B products

I work exclusively with the companies selling B2B products - physical or digital.

An SMB or a startup

Small teams are where I feel at home whether that SMB or a startup. 0-1 is my specialty.

Close to or at PMF

At or at least close to product-market fit. People need to be buying already.

Where else can you find me?

I'm not much of a social media guy but I do post quite actively on LinkedIn and I write a bi-weekly newsletter.

See my LinkedIn

I post about growth, marketing, startup life, India, whatever.

  • No promotions

  • No relentless upselling

  • No ai-generated bullshit

Read my Newsletter

Same stuff as on LinkedIn really but in long-form style.

  • No subscriptions

  • No paywalled content

  • No hidden selling agenda

Let's have a Campfire Chat?

30 minutes, around the campfire, completely free-form. It can be a casual virtual coffee (tea for me) chat or you can pick my brain any way you want, whether that's about growth, marketing, startup life, India, whatever.

Don't worry. I don't charge people for talking to me.

Rest here for a moment... the Campfire will keep you warm.

© The Campfire by Misho

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